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Did the arrival of ChatGPT kill the metaverse?

Rumors are spreading faster than trending hashtags if Zuckerberg is sunsetting the metaverse entirely in light of the generative AI craze.

ChatGPT on phone in front of text
Image: KnowTechie

What can’t ChatGPT do?

The metaverse hype seems to be crumbling in the face of ChatGPT as everyone sees more appeal and profits on the generative AI side of technology than the glitzy world of avatars.

But why would you — or anyone for that matter — abandon a virtual landscape of promise for an in-development chatbot?

When ChatGPT took over the world

At one point, it was cryptocurrency, then it was the metaverse, and now it’s ChatGPT.

The world gravitates toward the most recent digital trend, abandoning previous shiny things for something more technologically advanced.

Humanity craves any new sci-fi-style tech that will stick, so every new thing feels like a promise that they’ve finally made it.

So, why did Zuckerberg minimize advertising efforts in the metaverse the second ChatGPT took over?

It was a more thoughtful business investment for Meta to pitch their AI tools in light of ChatGPT. People are interested in that, so why wouldn’t you want to hear about their ChatGPT-like tech?

Unfortunately, now it just feels like Meta is joining a bandwagon. Gaining traction for the metaverse was an uphill fight — in total, it’s lost $13.7 billion since its inception.

ChatGPT is earning word-of-mouth advertising and daily growth in value. What’s not to love?

But couldn’t they work together?

ChatGPT and Metaverse
Image: KnowTechie

The arrival of ChatGPT wasn’t an overt death to the metaverse but more of a shift in attention. That won’t stop people from speculating.

They’re just trying to cover up the metaverse’s failure to take hold with their new-fangled generative AI investments.

However, the reality is these technologies aren’t mutually exclusive. The metaverse could borrow some of the interesting assets of ChatGPT and incorporate them into the metaverse to make it even more immersive and powerful.

It might actually hold people’s attention if something they see as valuable enters this nebulous digital landscape that didn’t do a great job of bringing in people, anyway.

Human attention seems divided, but all these new technologies will eventually coincide.

ChatGPT is just doing a better job at PR than how the metaverse attempts to describe itself to people. Is the Metaverse a video game for kids or a place for businesses to set up shop?

No wonder ChatGPT continues to stay relevant — it makes sense. It helps people learn, gets kids interested in quickly growing STEM careers, and helps companies be more efficient.

Is it a war or a game?

In this image, ChatGPT is being introduced as a research product developed by Safety Company OpenAl, with examples, capabilities, limitations, and upgrade options being discussed. Full Text: Research Product Developers Safety Company OpenAl ChatGPT Introducing ChatGPT Examples Capabicos Limitations We've trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge Meres uur la proude tour 10. May (atotaly peckce Incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. Try ChanGPT Read about ChatGPT Plus Limited knowledge of world and & Upgrade to Plus Settings Get help + Log and
Image: Pexels

Are these technologies really competing for the spotlight, or is that human perception stamped onto the situation?

You’ve probably thought a trend was dying just because it fell out of your every day, but that doesn’t mean that’s the case for the rest of the world.

However, many believe this isn’t the case with ChatGPT versus the metaverse.

ChatGPT has utility, and the metaverse was a glorified video game in disguise that some businesses decided to play.

But any game with a Facebook skin is potentially likely to fail when Facebook disenchantment is a trend in and of itself.

However, chatbots won’t replace the idea of a potentially digital society. What the metaverse was trying to do isn’t the same as what ChatGPT is doing, so they’re not really competing.

Who’s to say the metaverse won’t have a comeback with the next technological advancement that unexpectedly propels it into public view? Nobody knows.

Does the metaverse have a future with ChatGPT?

chatgpt bot logo
Image: KnowTechie

These trends could work together to advance or regress humanity into a digital dreamland, but these innovations’ outcomes remain the same.

They both show humans how to interact with, adapt and improve new technologies. No effort has gone to waste — except when you look at dollar signs.

Rumors are spreading faster than trending hashtags if Zuckerberg is sunsetting the metaverse entirely in light of the generative AI craze. Nothing is confirmed, but dwindling interest isn’t helping the case.

Have any thoughts on this? Drop us a line below in the comments, or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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Staff writer at ReHack Magazine with a passion for cybersecurity, AI, and all things tech. Offline, you'll find me cruising the neighborhood on my motorcycle or bingeing the latest true crime documentary.

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