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These websites let you browse Reddit at work while looking productive

They won’t actually make you productive, FYI.

reddit banner kt
Image: KnowTechie

Love it or hate it, you can’t deny that Reddit is a great site to kill some hours on.

It’s fairly recognizable though, so you wouldn’t want your boss to see that you’re browsing it. We found some reskinned versions so you can browse Reddit at work while looking productive.

I can completely understand the draw to Reddit, after all, I’m browsing it right now instead of finishing this post off.

No really, because these new reskinned versions are just too good. We found multiple options, and you’ll be able to find one that will work on your work desktop without looking out of place.

From email clients to command prompts, we’ve got you covered if you want to slack off and browse Reddit for an hour while your boss thinks you’re being productive.

Our favorite skins let you browse Reddit at work

We’ve compiled a list of four different options for you. Whether you prefer the classic look of Outlook or you are a programmer, there’s a solution for you.


site that reskins reddit to look like html code
Screenshot: MSOutlookit

This fantastic project makes Reddit look like the venerable Microsoft Office 2013.

That’s likely the mail client your boss set up on your computer anyway, so nobody is going to look twice if you have this up on your screen.

Well, unless they ask you to draft an email, or have the vision of an eagle. Inbox folders represent the main subreddits, and all of the posts show up as emails.

Clicking on any of those gives you all of the replies inside where the email body would show up on the normal Outlook client. Genius.

There’s also Worddit, which reskins Reddit to look like an MSWord document, but something is currently broken so it won’t load the content.


coding skin that lets you browse reddit at work
Screenshot: Codereddit

More at home in HTML? Have a front-end website development job and can’t quite tear yourself away from r/kindafunny during the day?

Codereddit makes the front page of the internet actually look like the code that runs the internet.

That’s too meta for me, but it’s the perfect disguise for your neverending hunt for cat videos.

Reddit Shell

reddit clone
Screenshot: Reddit Shell

More at home in a command-line interface?

Reddit Shell turns Reddit into a text-only deal, hidden in plain sight. The site gives you all the text-command commands you’ll need to navigate around.

You’ll see the post headline as you scroll, but you can drill down into the comments section with a little bit of typing in commands.

You can even handle votes or replies, all through the barebones interface.


browse reddit at work
Screenshot: SO-Reddit

We all know developers spend long hours pouring over Stack Overflow.

Those same developers also love funny videos, mechanical keyboards, and all the other things Reddit has to offer.

This site combines the two, reskinning Reddit to look like Stack Overflow, so your boss will never quite know what you’re researching.

It even has actual links from Stack Overflow, Stack Exchange, and more in the sidebar, so you always have a one-click get-out clause. Nice.

Now, we’re not saying you should spend all of your time at work browsing Reddit.

What we are saying is that if you’ve got the type of boss that likes to read over your shoulder, you shouldn’t make it too easy for them.

These websites are a fun way to hide your Reddit tab, so you can browse on your off time.

Have any thoughts on this? Let us know down below in the comments, or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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Maker, meme-r, and unabashed geek with nearly half a decade of blogging experience. If it runs on electricity (or even if it doesn't), Joe probably has one around his office somewhere. His hobbies include photography, animation, and hoarding Reddit gold.

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