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Redditors reveal the most useful websites nobody seems to know about

Really upset no one mentioned KnowTechie, though.

ask reddit logo
Image: KnowTechie

It’s been thirty years since the first “website” on the World Wide Web (W3). In that time, the number of websites has grown exponentially, to a staggering 1.88 billion. With so many options out there, how do you find truly useful websites that are lesser-known? Well, you turn to the “front page of the internet,” Reddit, and the r/AskReddit subreddit.

Redditor u/SauloJr requested the hive mind’s help a few months back, asking, “What useful unknown website do you wish more people knew about?

We dove into the replies to surface the lesser-known gems that you really should know about. Here’s hoping that they can weather all the additional traffic they’re about to receive.

The most useful websites nobody seems to know about

Whether you are looking for dinner suggestions or need some free photo editing tools, Redditors have you covered with some genuinely fantastic suggestions. Check out some of our favorites below.

Foto Forensics

fotoforensics website
Screenshot: FotoForensics

Tineye and Foto Forensics. Do you want to know if an image is shopped, cropped or otherwise altered? Using these two tools you’ve got a good chance of finding out. Tineye is reverse image search on steroids and foto forensics provides free image analysis tools. – u/jekylphd

If you really, really need to know if that social media posting is Photoshopped or the real thing, Foto Forensics is your best bet. It won’t instantly tell you the answer, instead it provides a professional level toolset to sniff out those alterations yourself. Handy in this age of digital misinformation. website
Screenshot: Randomly generates 5 matching colors for you to use for paint jobs or designing – u/Particular_Ham

One of the most annoying things to figure out when designing something is the color palette. Coolors make it simple, with instantly generated five-color palettes at the stroke of a key. Oh, and there’s an iOS app so you can do it on the go.


lunapic website
Screenshot: LunaPic

My go-to has been Lunapic, the tool is under Edit (or just google “lunapic transparent”), and you can go by color or area, and it has a sliding scale for sensitivity. – u/Merman314

Removing the background of an image is one of the most common editing tasks, and LunaPic makes it effortless. The best thing is that this useful website is a fairly well-featured image editor for other tasks as well, so you don’t have to shell out to get expensive editing packages.


rome2rio website
Screenshot: Rome2Rio

Gives you full directions from any two places from door to door including trains, busses and ferries. With options to fly to nearby places and take transit to get to your final destination. – u/Chaosrayne9000

Okay, travel isn’t really on the cards for many of us right now but this website is invaluable once it is. Get full directions between any two places on Earth, including alternative routes and more. Rome2rio works right down to local bus companies, so take all the hard work out of planning your journey.

I’m late to the party so this will probably be buried in the comments. I love maps as it can be humbling and also reveals the complexities of our world. Here’s a bunch of map websites worth exploring: – u/silent_woo

Want to be able to visualize the shipping lanes that we’ve been hearing so much about lately? Thanks to Kiln, you can, with Insanely cool, especially for the really busy areas like the Suez Canal.


mealime website
Screenshot: Mealime

Mealime (it’s an app). Instead of doing those expensive meal deliveries, this app let’s you pick out the recipes and builds a grocery list for you. It’s amazing!! Step by step instructions, and you can filter dietary restrictions. I love it! I go back to it whenever I get in a food-rut. – u/Individual-Schemes

Love the thought behind meal delivery services, but prefer to do your own shopping? Mealime lets you build up your weekly recipe list, and then turn that into a shopping list so you don’t have to think. You do have to find time to cook though, the app can’t help there.

Drive and Listen

drive and listen website
Screenshot: Drive and Listen

Allows you to drive (or walk or sail or rail etc etc.) in many locations worldwide, while listening to radio stations. Pro tip: Use the desktop version and close one eye and watch if you’re watching train-rides (it’s gonna feel like 3D) – u/ShadowDancerOffical

Drive and Listen is one of the great useful websites if you just wanna sit back, kick on some tunes, and experience a new city. Heck, you can even ski down the slopes, from the comfort of your computer chair.

What the fuck should I make for dinner

what the fuck should i make for dinner
Image: KnowTechie – u/Kyleforshort

This is one of my fav sites, so I was very glad to see it in the replies. The Redditor only dropped the link and ran, but that’s okay because the URL is very descriptive. Go here, make a very short binary decision, and get taken to a recipe site where you can make the thing. Simple.

This website will self destruct

this website will self destruct
Screenshot: Thiswebsitewillselfdestruct – u/chrisw138

This website is set to wipe itself if it doesn’t get a new message posted to it every 24 hours. We can’t let that happen, right? Let’s spread some positivity on it, to counter the negativity we encounter everywhere else. It’s also got links to mental health resources because we can all use a helping hand now and then.


what3words website
Screenshot: what3words

It breaks the world into a grid of 9 meter squares and assigns each grid a random 3 word name. It’s perfect for meeting people at non traditional locations, such as festivals, parks, or anywhere without a specific address. I use it all the time to meet with my trail running group – u/IGHOTI907

How do you arrange to meet somewhere when it’s not at a store, crossroads, or another good landmark? Enter what3words, a useful website that lets you give within 9-meter directions to anyone. Think of it as orienteering, but without having to know which way longitude and latitude works, or even what they mean.

Honorable Mentions

READ MORE: These websites let you browse Reddit at work while looking productive

Have any thoughts on this? Have your favorite, but lesser-known website to share? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

Editors’ Recommendations:

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Maker, meme-r, and unabashed geek with nearly half a decade of blogging experience. If it runs on electricity (or even if it doesn't), Joe probably has one around his office somewhere. His hobbies include photography, animation, and hoarding Reddit gold.

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